LP Metal Working Fluids

Quality Metal Working Coolants and Lubricants

Send an Email

Quotes, Questions, and Delivery Inquiries

Below are some suggested answers to include in your message. The more information you provide the better we will be able to help you. If forms aren’t your thing, give us a call instead. We want to earn your business and keep you as a customer. 


If you are unsure of the product you need: 

What types of metal are being worked? 

What types of operations are being done? (grinding/machining)

What kinds of products are in use? (soluble oils, synthetics, etc.?)

How do you make up your fluids?

How do you control your concentrations? 

Do you have individual sumps or a central system?


If you know the product you want: 

Are you interested in pails, drums or totes? 

How much product do you go through in a month?

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